CD School House 10
CD School House - Education and Games (10.0) - Wayzata Technology (1995).iso
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Text File
441 lines
U - N E T II
This readme file can be used for quick screen referral. It has been written to
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Table of Contents
1. Introduction Page 1
2. Registration Options Page 2
3. Technical Requirements Page 3
4. U-Net II Software Installation Page 4
5. Cable & Port Connections Page 5
6. Using U-Net II Page 6
7. Trouble Shooting Page 7
A U-Net II Program Files Page 8
B Product Order Form Page 9
Page 1
Until recently, networking was expensive and complicated, beyond the reach of
the small computer user. Now, even if you have just two PCs and a printer, U-
Net lets you enjoy the savings, enhanced performance and extra productivity
that networking provides.
U-Net is the first complete network available via shareware, and also the first
network that can be installed by a computer novice. U-Net allows small
businesses to install the network and see the advantages of sharing software,
data files and printer between any two IBM or compatible computers without
major financial investment.
U-Net is a Server/Workstation based network. This means that one of the
computers (generally the fastest with the largest or only hard disk drive) is
set up as the Server and the other computer becomes the Workstation. The
software, datafiles and printer attached to the Server computer can be shared
concurrently while the Server computer is being used.
Note the Server computer cannot access the Workstation's drives or printer. If
information on the Workstation needs to be shared, it should first be copied up
to the Server computer.
U-Net's biggest benefit to users is "ease of use". Installation should take you
less than five minutes. The cable simply connects between the parallel ports of
the two computers. No new knowledge is required as U-Net uses standard DOS
commands. The hard disk drives and the printer attached to the main (server)
computer are accessed as if they were physically attached to the other
(workstation) computer.
We take this opportunity to welcome you as a U-Net user and as such can assure
you of our ongoing support and further development of the product. We will of
couse keep you informed as these enhancements and upgrades become available.
We wish you well using U-Net II and hope you find it to be of good value.
Page 2
Registration Options
Option A - Registration Only $40
License to use U-Net software, latest version of software without the shareware
banner message, Technical Support by written correspondence, and notification
of new releases, upgrades, etc.
Requires you making your own special connecting cable (as detailed in cable
Option B - Registration and Adapter $65
Includes registration as above and supply of adapter that can be used with any
standard parallel printer cable to make the U-Net network connection.
Option C - LanDapter $175
Includes registration and supply of adapter as above but offers extra features;
- File Copy and Transfer Utility
- Ability to link to major networks; Novell, LanManager, or Lantastic
- Convenient travelling carry case
- Full telephone technical support
Please print and use the form at the end of this file to register and order
any of the above options.
This second release of U-Net, U-Net II offers support for DOS 5, most OEM
versions of MSDOS and disk partitioning software. Also the printer
redirection (to share the server's printer) is activated now using a
pop-up menu. The programs are no longer device drivers that need loading with
the CONFIG.SYS file, but can be run after the systems are booted. Both
programs also now can be unloaded when not required.
Please be sure to keep your Registration Number available and quote this on
all technical support correspondence. Should you have chosen the LanDapter
option then you will be advised the technical support phone line for contact.
We appreciate your support of our product and the Shareware concept. Your
registration enables us to further develop U-Net and other innovative products
and provide them to you at affordable prices.
Page 3
Technical Requirements
* Computers must be IBM or compatibles. They can be any mix of PC, XT, 286 AT,
386, 486 or PS/2 Microchannel computers.
* The main (SERVER) computer must have a hard disk drive. The other computer
(WORKSTATION) must have at least one floppy disk drive.
* Each computer must have a standard parallel port available. If there is none
free then you may have to add a second or third parallel port.
* Any printer that you wish to share has to be connected to the SERVER's first
parallel port (LPT1).
* It is recommended that the SERVER computer have a minimum of 640Kb RAM.
* It is recommended that you use MSDOS 3.3 or later and the same version of
DOS on both computers.
* The maximum recommended cable length between the computers is 10m (30 ft).
Page 4
U-Net II Software Installation
The following files should be on your Installation Diskette;
Insert the Installation Diskette in Drive A of the computer designated to
become the SERVER (the computer whose hard disk drive(s) and printer you wish
to share) and type in;
A: <Return>
Now insert the Installation Diskette in the other computer (called the
WORKSTATION) and type in;
A: <Return>
Page 5
Cable & Port Connections
U-Net requires the linking together of the two computers using standard
Parallel Ports with a special cable. You can either make this cable yourself
as described below, or order a special Adapter (see registration options on
page 2) that connects with a standard printer cable to make the connection.
We recommend a maximum cable length of 10m (30ft).
Use data grade cable, 11 wires with shield and male DB-25 connectors. Wiring
is as follows;
Pin 2 to Pin 15
- 3 -- --- 13
- 4 -- --- 12
- 5 -- --- 10
- 6 -- --- 11
- 10 -- --- 5
- 11 -- --- 6
- 12 -- --- 4
- 13 -- --- 3
- 15 -- --- 2
- 25 -- --- 25
(Also connect both pins 25 to shield)
Port Connection
Be sure to connect the cable to LPT2 if there is more than one parallel port
in the computer.
Page 6
Using U-Net II
Simply type on the SERVER;
C: <Return>
UNET <Return>
Within 5 to 8 seconds you will get the screen message;
Installed for Port XXX
(XXX being the port U-Net uses)
Ensure the cable is connected between the Parallel Ports on the computers. The
cable should be connected to LPT2 if there is more than one Parallel Port in
the computer.
Type on the WORKSTATION;
C: <Return>
ATTACH <Return>
You will notice on the WORKSTATION that extra virtual drives have been added
(being the SERVER'S drives). They can be accessed as though they are
physically present in the WORKSTATION Computer using normal DOS commands.
They will appear as the next logical letter(s) after any local WORKSTATION
hard drive(s).
Both the SERVER and the WORKSTATION retain all of the features they had as
standalone computers, however now the WORKSTATION can concurrently access the
SERVER'S hard disk drive(s) and printer.
To access the SERVER'S printer from the WORKSTATION press the CTRL key and
Right Shift key simultaneously and select on the pop-up menu to redirect
printing to the Server's printer. Use this menu to change back printing to the
local printer should you wish to do this. The WORKSTATION printing normally
defaults to it's local printer on booting up.
To STOP the network running (i.e. unload U-Net);
On the SERVER Type in UNET/U <Return>
On the WORKSTATION Type in ATTACH/U <Return>
U-Net gives you the ability to share software and datafiles when using LAN
(local area network) or multi-user versions of your application software by
running SHARE (a DOS program included in DOS 3.3 and later). This gives you
file and record locking facilities.
Page 7
Trouble Shooting
* It is recommended that you use MSDOS 3.3 or later and the same version of
DOS on both computers.
* The cable must be connected to the LPT2 Port if there is more than one
parallel port in the computer.
* U-Net software takes 20Kb (approx) of the SERVER'S first 640Kb RAM and
16Kb on the WORKSTATION Computer. It is recommended that you have 640Kb
or more RAM in the SERVER computer.
* Only use SHARE on the SERVER computer when using multi-user or LAN versions
of your application software as it takes up memory and will slow performance
* Some "non-compatible" IBM clones; some Tandy models, Amstrad, etc are not
fully compatibile and will not work.
* Mixtures of DOS between SERVER and WORKSTATION can give problems.
* Computer Games and Formatting of Diskettes should be avoided on the
SERVER Computer while U-Net is running as this can cause problems.
* Number of files open in the Config.Sys file on the SERVER may need
increasing as it must open enough files for the WORKSTATION also.
* If WORKSTATION programs are halted abnormally then it may be necessary to
reboot the SERVER to ensure any open files are closed.
* If using different screen types (mono and color) then a sub-directory on
the SERVER with different configurations of the software may be required.
* Sometimes PATH commands and AUTOEXEC files on the WORKSTATION need
modifying to allow for files residing on different virtual drives.
* There may be a conflict in the SERVER between the U-Net software and some
other TSRs running. If this occurs you should ensure that U-Net loads
first which may solve the problem.
* Cables of too great a length or inadequate quality can give problems.
* ERROR - SERVER not responding, U-Net II installation cancelled.
indicates that either the SERVER is not running the program UNET or the
cable is not properly connected. Re-plug the cable and re-run the programs.
* If the appended virtual drives do not appear to be mapped correctly then the
LASTDRIVE parameter should be set in your CONFIG.SYS file on the WORKSTATION
e.g. LASTDRIVE = G (allows drives up to G:)
* If having the cable connected appears to interfere with either computer
booting up, then boot both computers before connecting the cable or ensure
the SERVER program UNET is running before booting the WORKSTATION computer.
* Transfer speed with U-Net is dependent on the speed of the slowest computer.
For best performance fast 286 or 386 computers are recommended.
Page 8
U-Net II Program Files
This is the program that allows your WORKSTATION Computer to access the SERVER
Computer. It adds approximately 16Kb to the memory used on your WORKSTATION
This is the program that is executed on the SERVER Computer to allow the
WORKSTATION Computer to communicate with it. This program takes approximately
20Kb of the SERVER'S first 640Kb RAM.
Page 9
Supa Corporation
11545 N Frank Lloyd Wright Blvd
Suite 1017
Scottsdale, AZ 85259 USA
NAME ...............................................
COMPANY ...............................................
ADDRESS ...............................................
" ...............................................
CITY ...............................................
STATE ZIP...............................................
COUNTRY ...............................................
REGISTRATION OPTIONS (see Page 2 for details)
OPTION A Registration & Latest Version $40.00 includes shipping
OPTION B As above but with adapter $65.00 includes shipping
OPTION C Full LanDapter Package $175.00 includes shipping
Check or Money Order enclosed for the amount of $..................